
目前顯示的是 5月, 2013的文章

Install OS X on Asus 1201N

Asus Eee PC 1201N and Mountain Lion   1. Updating BIOS for unlock AHCI mode in Asus 1201N  1) Download BIOS with unlocked AHCI: http://db.tt/WfEC5efM       after you flash your BIOS, you must enter BIOS agin       and change the boot type from IDE to AHCI  2) Format your flash to FAT16      Here's how you can do it under Mac:      Load your Flash drive     Open Disk Utility and highlight the volume. Click "Info" and look for "Disk Identifier".      For me, it was /dev/disk2s1. Close the Info window    With the volume highlighted (not the "drive"), click "Unmount".      From a Terminal command line, run a command like this:     sudo newfs_msdos -F 16 -v MYFLASH -b 4096 -c 128 /dev/disk2s1  3) Copy file 1201N.ROM to your flash.  4) Reboot your netbook and when it's restarted ...

NeXtstation Mono slab. VGA connector

actually the wiring for my connector is quite simple. I use the monitor cable of the NextStation Mono (DB19 connectors on both ends) to connect the Next with the Soundbox. On the Next machine, I have made a "dongle" which passes through all wires (DB19 male/female connectors). The following wires need to be connected with the VGA cable (DB15 connectors): VSync: Next pin 8, connect with VGA pin 14 HSync: Next pin 9, connect with VGA pin 13 Video: Next pin 10, connect with the RGB VGA pins 1,2,3 GND: Next pins 13-19, connect with VGA pins 6,7,8

倚天造字 轉入 Windows98 / XP / Win7 eudc, usrfont.24m, truetype 造字程式 FA40

Use this built-in utility from ET3 c:\et3\utility\etfmx DB.exe : use ETEN download word format convert to Pacific format Utility   ***** 重啟ET3: 執行 ETINMD/Q 及ETCTL/C:iq後重新開啟倚天。 檔案說明  1. usrfont.24m  : 倚天 字型明體 24x24 造字檔  2. usrfont.15m  : 倚天 字型明體 16x15 造字檔  3. xusrcj.tbl   : 倚天倉頡輸入法參考副檔  4. bdwn24.fon   : Windows 3.1 24x24 造字檔  5. bdwn20.fon   : Windows 3.1 20x20 造字檔  6. bdwn16.fon   : Windows 3.1 16x16 造字檔  7. bdwncj.tbl   : Windows 3.1 倉頡碼造字檔  8. bdchrtbl.doc : 佛典補字集字形表 (Microsoft Word 6.0/7.0)  9. bdreport.doc : 電子佛典補字集整理進度報告 (Microsoft Word 6.0/7.0) 掛進輸入法及造字檔的方法    方法一: C:\ET3>ETSETUP --->逐一選    方法二: C:\ET3>ETINMD/PN=PHONETIC.TAB , XUSRPN.TBL.            /CJ=ChangJei.tab, XusrCJ.tbl            /PH=phrase.box 去除各種輸入法及造字...

Useful DOS, Windows 98 boot iso


Futek Printer for chinese hard words.

難字 處理可接受 倚天 系統造字之字型檔,下載24*24BIT-MAP之2000個字快閃記憶體, 不受關機影響, 列印 時可作比例放大(SCALABLE)如1.1倍. 、1.2倍...2倍等任意倍數 cat 6110word |gvcat 12
Related URLs: www.cns11643.gov.tw 造字檔案及安裝程序 檔案說明  1. usrfont.24m  : 倚天 24x24 造字檔  2. usrfont.15m  : 倚天 16x15 造字檔  3. xusrcj.tbl   : 倚天倉頡輸入法參考副檔  4. bdwn24.fon   : Windows 3.1 24x24 造字檔  5. bdwn20.fon   : Windows 3.1 20x20 造字檔  6. bdwn16.fon   : Windows 3.1 16x16 造字檔  7. bdwncj.tbl   : Windows 3.1 倉頡碼造字檔  8. bdchrtbl.doc : 佛典補字集字形表 (Microsoft Word 6.0/7.0)  9. bdreport.doc : 電子佛典補字集整理進度報告 (Microsoft Word 6.0/7.0) 安裝程序 一、倚天中文系統     明體造字檔及倉頡碼造字檔如下:      1.USRFONT.24M : 24 x 24 字型明體造字檔     2.USRFONT.15M : 16 x 15 字型明體造字檔     3.XUSRCJ.TBL  : 倉頡輸入法參考副檔     請將上述檔案複製到倚天中文系統所在目錄,如 C:\ET3 。若您原 先已有造字檔,請作備份,以免覆蓋。在倚天中文系統下,外掛倉頡碼 造字檔的相關指令如下:     1.ETINMD /Q 可從主記憶體釋放舊的輸入法參考檔。     2.ETINMD /CJ = CHANGJEI.TAB,XUSRCJ.TBL 可重新載入新的倉頡       輸入法參考檔。 二、Microsoft Windows 3.1 中文版     細明體造字檔及倉頡碼...

Example CSS Code

html { color: #272822; font: 125%/1.5 'nimbus-sans', Helvetica, sans-serif; } body { margin: 0; padding: 0; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; } .main-footer { margin-bottom: 40px; } .link-list ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; } .link-list a.article { font-size: 150%; float: left; } .link-list .meta { float: right; margin-top: 10px; } .link-list .description { clear: both; font-style: italic; color: #AAA; } .link-list li.odd { margin-right: 3%; } .link-list li.small { display: inline-block; width: 48%; vertical-align: top; } .link-list li.small a.article { font-size: 100%; } .link-list li.small .description { font-size: 80%; } .link-list.tags a.article { float: none; } .link-list.tags ul { list-style: square; } a { color: #00a3de; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; } a:hover { text-decoration: underline; } h1 { padding: 10px 30px; padding-left: 5%; color: #FFF; background: #27282...

PHP 5.x mysqli - interactive query

Whatever is given in the SELECT statement to mysqli_query is going to return a mysql_result type if the query was successful. So if you have a SELECT statement such as: SELECT sum ( field ) FROM table1 you still need to fetch the row with the result, and the value of the sum() function will be the only entry in the row array: $res = mysqli_query ( $dbh , 'SELECT sum(field) FROM table1' ); if ( FALSE === $res ) die ( "Select sum failed: " . mysqli_error ); $row = mysqli_fetch_row ( $res ); $sum = $row [ 0 ];

NAVFREE : A Free Android GPS Navigation System for US

NAVFREE, THE WORLD’S FIRST FREE CROWD-POWERED NAVIGATION SYSTEM! Unlike many other "free" satnavs we offer you fully featured, non-timelimited turn-by-turn navigation. No hidden payments: after map download you can use it forever for free and update it from time to time, also for free. Hear what our customers have to say about us! 5 stars - “Amazing app, accurate, easy to use, friendly… and most importantly: it’s free!” 5 stars - “Best free app I have ever used and downloaded… Thank you! Thank you!” 5 stars - “In a day and age when prices are going up, we get this gem of an app for FREE! Works beautifully, looks fantastic. Listen, just get it, ok?” Welcome to Navfree! Navfree is a completely free navigation app that offers turn-by-turn directions, spoken and on-screen instructions, offline map use and address search and live search via Google and Microsoft Bing, among many other features. The maps it uses are available for free download from the Navfree Sto...


首頁 關於我們 菜單 / Menu 經典食品 外燴 / 外帶 哥德德式創意美食主要是以德國菜為主,再加上近年來在德國掀起的另一派的飲食風( 外國移民菜色)為主流。以往德國菜色給人的印象是厚實、肉類多、口味重,但在哥德德國菜卻是呈現另一種風貌---精緻、多樣化卻又不失德國菜的自然及帶酸講究健康的原始面貌。 以”哥德”為名是因為,哥德除了是德國一位有名的詩人、大文豪、貴族之外,更是當代有名的美食家,也曾旅居義大利一年,深愛義大利菜,所以符合本店現今德國菜創新求變卻又不失天然傳統之原貌。 關於哥德餐廳 ==== 哥德德式創意美食主要是以德國菜為主,再加上近年來在德國掀起的另一派的飲食風( 外國移民菜色)為主流。以往德國菜色給人的印象是厚實、肉類多、口味重,但在哥德德國菜卻是呈現另一種風貌---精緻、多樣化卻又不失德國菜的自然及帶酸講究健康的原始面貌。 以”哥德”為名是因為,哥德除了是德國一位有名的詩人、大文豪、貴族之外,更是當代有名的美食家,也曾旅居義大利一年,深愛義大利菜,所以符合本店現今德國菜創新求變卻又不失天然傳統之原貌。 ==== 美食文化 ==== 德國菜以往給大家的印象不外乎是豬腳、香腸或啤酒,但其實德國菜在每一季節裡都有其不同的料理重點,隨著區域的不同,風貌也非相同。所以在德國其實有著數不清的料理與甜點,舉凡各式肉類料理、蛋糕、麵包、醃菜、素食、葡萄酒、起士等更是不勝枚舉。 因此,本店除了提供餐點之外,也有賣各式德國蛋糕點心、各類德國麵包,以滿足消費者的選擇。 ==== 新聞剪輯 ==== 麵包 本店提供的麵包以德國傳統烘焙方式而成,例如全麥雜糧麵包、鄉村黑裸麥…等,完全不加油,只放少許蜂蜜,加上多種榖類與黑裸麥粉為主。此外,黑裸麥核桃麵包更是不加水,以德國進口的黑麥汁代替水,不僅天然營養,更是滿滿的麥香。 我們也提供德國扭結麵包(Laugenbrezel),有各式口味,另外尚有各式小麵包可供選擇。 麵包種類請見 http://www.oma.ecdiy.com.tw ===== 外燴 ===== Catering 我們也提供專業的外燴服務,完全依照客人的預算及喜好來設計, 不論內容是冷盤、熱食或Fingerfood,甜點及飲料 ...

vi language setting

vimrc 設定檔中加入底下幾行即可解決: set encoding=utf-8 set fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf-8,big5,latin1 set fileencoding=big5 set termencoding=big5 實際執行方法: vi ~/.vimrc =================== SecureCRT出现中文亂碼。 即使显示出来没有乱码,将文本复制粘贴到其他windows程序中也会是乱码,或者从windows复制进SecureCRT会乱码,很不方便。 其实这些都是securecrt的设置问题,当然我们在设置securecrt对中文支持的前提是远程的 linux 系统要支持中文。我们可以通过命令locale查看下系统的编码情况: LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8 LC_CTYPE="zh_CN.UTF-8" LC_NUMERIC="zh_CN.UTF-8" LC_TIME="zh_CN.UTF-8" LC_COLLATE="zh_CN.UTF-8" LC_MONETARY="zh_CN.UTF-8" LC_MESSAGES="zh_CN.UTF-8" LC_PAPER="zh_CN.UTF-8" LC_NAME="zh_CN.UTF-8" LC_ADDRESS="zh_CN.UTF-8" LC_TELEPHONE="zh_CN.UTF-8" LC_MEASUREMENT="zh_CN.UTF-8" LC_IDENTIFICATION="zh_CN.UTF-8" LC_ALL=zh_CN.UTF-8 如果他们是zh_CN.UTF-8、zh_CN.GBK、zh_CN.GB2312都是支持中文的。 如果不是,可以通过 === export LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8 export LC_ALL=zh_CN.UTF-8 来设置一下就可以了。 === 然后在securecrt需要进行以下简单设置: ...


RedHat终端中文乱码解决,netterm经常变换颜色的解决 RedHat终端中文乱码解决 修改 /etc/sysconfig/i18n文件,将其改成以下内容: LANG="zh_CN.GB18030" LANGUAGE="zh_CN.GB18030:zh_CN.GB2312:zh_CN" SUPPORTED="zh_CN.UTF-8:zh_CN:zh:en_US.UTF-8:en_US:en" SYSFONT="lat0-sun16" 安装linux下telnet包时 先安装xinet包 再安装telnet包 netterm经常变换颜色的解决办法 在profile文件上加入下面语句: alias l='ls -ltr --color=never' alias ls='ls -ltr --color=never' alias lf='ls -CF --color=never'

Qmail Taps (Backup of all IN/Out emails)

Do: touch /var/qmail/control/taps vi /var/qmail/control/taps In vi, add the lines into taps: *...@yourdomainname.com:u...@example.com FYI u...@example.com is the email account who recieve the emails for both in/outbound of your *...@yourdomainname.com If you want to tap the whole server- multiple domain hosted QT, add this line in /var/qmail/control/taps: *:u...@example.com Where u...@example.com recieve all in/outbound emails regardsless what domain. Just a tought, 32 bits system you should not exceed 2GB sized email accounts, 64bit version handles larger sized accounts. Perhaps someone can verify this. ============ Maybe this will help you: http://wiki.qmailtoaster.com/index.php/Taps    - this will send a copy of all incoming and outgoing mail to the specified account. Alternatively you could create a forward for each individual account using qmailadmin and check the "save a copy" box. ============= Taps From Qmailtoaster taps This file contains ema...
My Contact Information dennychuang@gmail.com 莊榮圻 Denny Chuang 台灣 永樂國小 Carmenita Junior High School Cerritos High School UC Riverside Cal. State Dominguez Hills

Ubuntu VS CentOS Networking Commands

To Set the network IP in one line. $ sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask $ sudo route add -net netmask gw Ubuntu Restart networking service:  GUI Network Manager:  NetworkManager /etc/network/interfaces --- auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask broadcast gateway --- /etc/init.d/networking restart Centos networking Service IF Setting: /etc/sysconfig/networking/ifcfg-eth0 service network restart

Arthur's web for Linuxer


Ubuntu 12.04 Openvas-server remote network security audito server

using the Ubuntu Software Center

Ubuntu 12.04 network setting /etc/network/interfaces

Ubuntu 12.04 /etc/network/interfaces and change it to auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address xx.xx.xx.xx netmask xx.xx.xx.xx gateway xx.xx.xx.xx dns-nameservers xx.xx.xx.xx dns-search xx where you have to fill the xx given by your ISP. Then from commandline do sudo ifup eth0