qmail very QUICK install

Very Quick Install

This is a temporary document . . .

Nick Hemmesch
April 15, 2007

CentOS 5 x86_64 -

1. Server is the only configuration choice checked. No gnome or kde, no
other packages selected.

2. Disable selinux manually

3. Update with yum & reboot

4. Run cnt5064-deps.sh

5. Run cnt5064-perl.sh

6. Edit cnt5064-svcs.sh mysql root password, edit firewall.sh IP Address,
run cnt5064-svcs.sh & reboot again

7. Run cnt5064-install.sh

8. Run cnt5064-djbdns-localcache-install.sh, or setup bind

Configuration is pretty standard from there.

The default is to sign outgoing messages with DKSIGN and to filter
incoming domainkeys with spamassassin. Servers that forward, or are
clustered, will just have to disable signing completely until we find a

======> disable ClamAV <============

1. edit simcontrol

  vi /var/qmail/control/simcontrol
2. Look for line that contains domain you want to disable ClamAV (something like this):

3. Change clam=yes into clam=no, so the line look like this:
4. Save the file and quit
5. Compile simcontrol file to make rule active
  service qmail cdb
bad attachments...


    Alias /admin-toaster /usr/share/toaster/htdocs/admin/
    Alias /stats-toaster/ /usr/share/toaster/htdocs/mrtg/
    Alias /qlogs-toaster/ /usr/share/toaster/htdocs/isoqlog/
    Alias /images-toaster/ /usr/share/toaster/htdocs/images/
    Alias /scripts/ /usr/share/toaster/htdocs/scripts/
    Alias /qmailadmin /usr/share/qmailadmin/


Password for http://mydomain.com/admin-toaster/ 
clear text in the /usr/share/toaster/include/admin.pass 
Use this password to log into the web page

Password to admin-toaster, and I want to change it directly.
htpasswd -c /usr/share/toaster/include/admin.htpasswd admin 

add Disclaimers on all outgoing messages=
should use user footer instead.


CentOS 5.6 VS CentOS 6.X


 you are on 32-bit hardware, I recommend staying with CentOS 5.6... 
but if you're insistent that you upgrade to version 6, who am I to argue...

Regardless, you are (pending 3rd-party development that may or may not ever arrive) 
looking at a "clean install" to properly upgrade from CentOS 5.x to CentOS 6. 
There does not (yet) exist a clean upgrade path 
(any more than there was a clean upgrade path from Windows XP to Windows Vista!)

But with regards to QMail, while trying to install on a CentOS 6 x86 (32-bit) OS, 
you will have the following "issues":

 - PHP is updated to 5.3 (from 5.1) which causes many problems -- 
mostly for the toaster-admin package. Fixes are in the works, 
but if you are used to the toaster's web-based interface, 
you'll be very unhappy in CentOS 6 (the web interface is virtually blank, 
and therefore useless)

 - If you use the vpopmail/bin command line utilities, you'll be fine
 - MySQL is updated to 5.1 (from 5.0), which won't be a problem for vpopmail, 
but may be a problem with other services or apps you may be running

 - BIND is updated to 9.7 (from 9.3), which wants to use DNSSEC -- if you're 
not familiar with how to do that, you'll need to learn. 

 - If you're using the QMT recommended djbdns, this won't be a problem, as 
you won't be using BIND at all

 - The location of the RPMBUILD folder has changed -- depending on how you partition 
your disk space, this may or not be an issue
 - As noted in the earlier post, you can bypass the change with a symbolic link -- 
these 3 commands are destructive, so should be used only on a NEW CentOS 6 system 
and only used once:

       rm -rf /root/rpmbuild /usr/src/redhat
       mkdir -p /usr/src/redhat
       ln -s ../usr/src/redhat /root/rpmbuild



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