qmail是一個非常復雜的系統,盡管它本身非常簡潔。如果你對它的復雜性不夠了解,你可以對照一下Sendmail, qmail就是設計用來取代Sendmail的。盡管qmail的配置要比Sendmail簡單的多,而且通過第三方編程人員的不斷努力,附加的add-on使得qmail更加易配置和管理,但是它確實是一個非常復雜的系統。它需要你具有豐富的*NIX平台 的管理經驗,一旦你能正確的理解qmail,你就會發現,qmail確實是一個空前優秀的郵件系統。
本文檔想起到一個“粘合劑”的作用,希望能夠幫助qmail用戶迅速實現一個以qmail為核心的大型郵件系統,並希望 能夠針對各組件的協調工作問題給出一個可行的解決方案。
1.7測試環境,對其他的 *NIX 系統,我相信本文檔的基本概念是正確的。
以下是qmail的設計者(Dan Bernstein)對qmail的評價:
Qmail is a secure, reliable, efficient, simple message transfer agent. It is meant as a replacement for the entire sendmail-binmail system on typical Internet-connected UNIX hosts.
Secure: Security isn't just a goal, but an absolute requirement. Mail delivery is critical for users; it cannot be turned off, so it must be completely secure. (This is why I started writing qmail: I was sick of the security holes in sendmail and other MTAs.)
Reliable: qmail's straight-paper-path philosophy guarantees that a message, once accepted into the system, will never be lost. qmail also supports maildir, a new, super-reliable user mailbox format. Maildirs, unlike mbox files and mh folders, won't be corrupted if the system crashes during delivery. Even better, not only can a user safely read his mail over NFS, but any number of NFS clients can deliver mail to him at the same time.
Efficient: On a Pentium under BSD/OS, qmail can easily sustain 200000 local messages per day---that's separate messages injected and delivered to mailboxes in a real test! Although remote deliveries are inherently limited by the slowness of DNS and SMTP, qmail overlaps 20 simultaneous deliveries by default, so it zooms quickly through mailing lists. (This is why I finished qmail: I had to get a big mailing list set up.)
Simple: qmail is vastly smaller than any other Internet MTA. Some reasons why: (1) Other MTAs have separate forwarding, aliasing, and mailing list mechanisms. qmail has one simple forwarding mechanism that lets users handle their own mailing lists. (2) Other MTAs offer a spectrum of delivery modes, from fast+unsafe to slow+queued. qmail- send is instantly triggered by new items in the queue, so the qmail system has just one delivery mode: fast+queued. (3) Other MTAs include, in effect, a specialized version of inetd that watches the load average. qmail's design inherently limits the machine load, so qmail-smtpd can safely run from your system's inetd.
Replacement for sendmail: qmail supports host and user masquerading, full host hiding, virtual domains, null clients, list-owner rewriting, relay control, double-bounce recording, arbitrary RFC 822 address lists, cross-host mailing list loop detection, per-recipient checkpointing, downed host backoffs, independent message retry schedules, etc. In short, it's up to speed on modern MTA features. qmail also includes a drop-in ``sendmail'' wrapper so that it will be used transparently by your current UAs.
實際上,由採用maildir,qmail使得分布式郵件系統更易實現,為支持大規模和超大規模用戶, 郵件存儲方式為必然的分布式存儲。
同sendmail相比,qmail比較簡潔,但通過addd-on,qmail的特性已同sendmail不相上下, 而性能更是比sendmail高出許多!同時沒有令管理員頭痛的復雜的離譜的配置過程及安全漏洞。同其他 郵件系統相比,優勢更是明顯。
vpopmail是www.inter7.com推出的qmail add-on,主要解決qmail、postfix系統中的虛擬域 問題,qmail本身支持虛擬郵件域,但是使用不很方便,vpopmail使得虛擬域更易使用和維護,而且, 由vpopmail支持Oracle、Sysbase、MySQL及LDAP方式的用戶信息存儲,使得建立和維護一個擁有 幾K、幾M、幾十M甚至更多用戶的大型分布式系統成為可能。
vpopmail的主要優勢體現在用戶信息存數據庫或LDAP 目錄,使得提取及共享用戶信息變的簡單,其 缺點是用戶信息過簡單,不如http://www.nrg4u.com/提供的LDAP patch。vpopmail 的LDAP支持 不同LDAP patch,vpopmail可存取的LDAP 目錄中的條目遠遠少 LDAP patch。
雖然vpopmail不支持豐富的用戶信息,但若想整體的使用sqwebmail,vpopmail仍是最佳選擇。同其相比,VMailMgr同樣不支持豐富的用戶信息,LDAP patch 雖提供了豐富的用戶信息,但是缺乏成熟的 Web 客戶端。
ezmlm:一個優秀的郵件列表管理器 by Dan Bernstein。
ezmlm-idx:ezmlm的add-on,by Fred Lindberg 。
ezmlm是基qmail的一個高效、易用的郵件列表管理器,用戶可以使用它創建自己的郵件列表。ezmlm 非常可靠,即使面臨系統突然斷電的嚴重問題,它也不會丟失信件。ezmlm可以處理超大規模的郵件列表而不 會受系統資源的限制。
vqsignup是一個基vpopmail/qmail的處理新用戶請求的系統,它允許用戶通過Web頁面申請自己的 基vpopmail/qmail的郵件賬號。作為一個大型系統,這實在是一個必不可少的功能。
本HOWTO是在RedHat 7.1系統上完成的,我認為,它的大部分都可以不加修改的應用到RedHat 6.X環境,由RedHat 7.1的目錄結構有所改動,應用其他系統時務必確認一下幾點:
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